Saturday, December 5, 2009
Lots of excitement and fears
Tyler took his preplacement physical the Wednesday before Thanksgiving and we got the word on Tuesday that he did in fact pass!!! WOO HOO. So Thursday night he put in his 2 week notice to Falcon Jet. I think we really made the right decision. The company was going to lay off 31% of the company yesterday and frankly I am not one to leave things like this to chance. So many people were surprised that Tyler was leaving but at the same time very happy for him.
He will become effective to the post as of Dec 20th, have his orientation on the 21st, and his first work day is the 22nd. I never thought we would go back to being a full-time military family, but here we are.
Tyler flew out yesterday morning to go to LA for his Warrior Leadership Course. He will get back on the 19th and from the sounds of it, it will be a serious hard core course, no breaks. I guess they were greeted by snow in LA, something that was just mind blowing. LOL
Charlie is doing well with school. He has a lot of things to keep him busy while Tyler is gone. The usual homework, and excitement of school. But he also has a special craft day on the 11th. He also will be going on a field trip on the 15th to the nursing home to sing carols to the residents there. Plus the school Christmas Program- "Christmas Around the World" is the night of the 15th. So, between all of that, plus the excitement of Christmas I think the next two weeks will go well for us. ***KEEPING MY FINGERS CROSSED***
Well that was all of the excitement, now for the fear.
Back in March I was diagnosed with Lupus. It took some time for me to process it and in turn even longer for me to tell my family. In the end I certainly did not get the support I was looking for.
I had to get the tests ran again and it showed that I am getting worse. Plus some other tests came up with some serious concerns and I have now been working with a specialist since before Thanksgiving. Both of the conditions are life threatening and the only person outside of my doctors who knows is Tyler. (And then whoever reads this) I haven't even told my best friend. There are reasons I haven't confided in her... 1 she has been very busy lately and 2 part of me feels like I should tell my family or at least my mom before I tell anyone else. But 1 I don't like delivering bad news around the holidays and 2 I truely don't think I will get any form of support. Afterall this is the family that knew I had cancer and said it was no big deal. I don't know what to do. I would love support while going through this hard and difficult situation but I don't think I will get it, so now I just keep it bottled up inside and that is a painful and hurtful thing to deal with.
Anywho... I will write more probably when Tyler gets home
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Happy Holidays!
But that doesn't change the fact that the Lutz Family has SO much to be thankful this year.
I wrote 2 weeks ago about Tyler getting a surprise promotion. Well last Wednesday he got offered a new job going back to the Post full time. Tyler was so excited that he got this job. He has been very nervous about FJ future since there is a HUGE lay off coming on December 4th. We are talking about 31% of the employees being laid off. Not too promising if you ask me.
So, he has to do a pre-placement physical tomorrow and then he will be putting in his 2 week notice to FJ on December 3rd. He then heads out to LA for WLC (Warrior Leadship School) on December 4th. His last official day at FJ will be December 18th. He returns from LA on December 19th and starts his new job at the Post on December 21st. I never thought I would be so happy to know we were going back to the military life. Given if it were the Air Force I don't think I would be as happy. But we have a WONDERFUL Army family and that made this decision all the more easy.
Charlie has been on Thanksgiving break all this week. His last day was last Friday and he goes back on November 30th. He loves having the extra time with Tyler before he leaves next week. He is doing so well in school. Reading so much and writing up a storm. I am so incredibly proud of the work he does.
On Veteran's Day Tyler went to Charlie's class to talk to them about Veteran's Day and a picture of him with the class was in the local paper last week, and being in a small town like we are, the two of them are like little celebraties now. LOL
As for me, I have been busy getting back on track after having the family here earlier this month. Plus, school alone has been keeping me on my toes. But I love it. I have gained so much knowledge and I am anxious to see what the rest will bring.
Overall we are all doing well. Lots of events will be coming our way in the next few months.
So, from our family to yours, Happy Thanksgiving
Thursday, November 12, 2009
So Happy for Tyler!!!
Last week Tyler saw another guy who worked in his department but on the day shift working the new position. Its a Flight Test position. So, Tyler figured he was going to be getting his letter.
Today, Joey, the lead over Flight Test told Tyler that he was picked for he Flight Test position but for the night shift. Apparently they needed someone on both day and night shift and since the other guy was already on day shift they gave the day shift position to him and since Tyler works the night shift they left him on night shift.
Tyler is so excited. He has put in almost 4 years with this company and he finally got the job he has always wanted. The job he thought he had gotten hired to do. The pay increase isn't too shabby either, about $2 more per hour. Go Tyler!!!!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Such a busy time
School is still going well for me. I recently finished my second course and did VERY well on my final. I was working really hard to get it done before my family arrives next week.
Charlie got his first report card last week and got very high marks. He is advanced in 6 out of 7 of his classes. I was so proud to hear how well he has been doing. He seems to really love school.
My mom and stepdad arrive Monday afternoon and will be here through the week. We are having Charlie's party the day after his birthday since the place he wants to go is not opened for very long on his actual birthday. He is so excited!!!
The boys will be going trick-or-treating on Saturday. Charlie asked if they could have some boy time together since Tyler leaves again the week after Thanksgiving. He is excited to be dressing up as BumbleBee from the Transformers this year. I was just happy he picked something OTHER than Spiderman! LOL
Tyler had an interview at the Post this morning for his dream job. Hopefully he can get this position. It would mean more time with Charlie and with Tyler's pending deployment they sure could use all the time together they can get.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Deployment plans are changing
Well this weekend was our big ARMS inspection and yesterday we got the word that deployment plans were changing. That those who DO NOT get picked for the Kosovo deployment will be going to Afghanistan instead. WOW. Tyler then got pulled aside and was told that due to his time of service and amount of experience he has that he is a prime candidate for the Afghanistan deployment and that it was possible that he will be taken off of the list for Kosovo so he can be utilized better somewhere else.
You want to talk about a hard pill to swallow, well there it is. I have been preparing for Kosovo for 10 months, a peace mission, a year. Now I have to sit on pins and needles to find out if they will truely send him to Afghanistan for 18 months!
I won't dare tell Charlie of this change until they come down and tell Tyler, DO NOT plan on going to Kosovo because you are going to Afghanistan. Charlie understands to the best of his ability what it would mean for Tyler to go to war. We always talk to him about these things because of the chance that Tyler had to leave with short or no notice. He understands that there will be times where we won't be able to talk to him for days or weeks.
I just remember that at least he is lucky to be in school now because that will help keep his mind busy and help with the time passing a little faster.
Please keep my family in your thoughts and prayers
Saturday, October 10, 2009
40 pounds!!!!
It felt good when I went to the doctor the other day and my nurse said she noticed. Its always nice when someone notices your hard work.
I didn't diet, or do any weight loss programs. I am sure part of it was my diet needed for my TMJ therapy. Which includes, no caffine of any kind, no dairy, no red meat. Between that and eating healthy and staying busy the weight just has been coming off!
I can't believe it!
I just wanted to share my excitement
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
School School School
I finished my first course today. I had to learn and memorize over 500 combining form words, prefixes, and suffixes... my brain is about to blow lol. But I took my final today and did very well. I can't believe how many medical terms I really have soaked in. Absolutely crazy.
As for Charlie, we had a meeting with the school yesterday about whether or not they will consider continuing his therapy there at the school. So far things are looking promising. They do have some concerns (the ones I have been noticing) and sometime later this week they will be formally evaluating him to see where he stands. Afterwards we will have another meeting and go from there.
Other than that things have been alright. We are all getting ready for my mom to visit in November for Charlie's birthday and then for Tyler to head out in December for more training. He leaves right after Thanksgiving and will be home right before Christmas! Thank goodness for that Christmas miracle.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Today is the Day!
While we were at the Welcome Home Ceremony a couple of Saturdays ago there was a job fair going on at the same time. One of the schools there works very closely with military spouses. So I looked into it.
I enrolled with for the Medical Billing & Coding courses. With the school I enrolled with they download my entire course onto a new laptop and send that with me along with books and such that I needed. I was stoked!!! Further more, Military One Source was offering Financial Aide for military spouses up to $6,000!! So, I got my FA approved last Thursday for the entire $6,000! And with my school they knock the price down from $5,600 to $4,500, which will leave me $1,500 left when I need to go and get my certification. I couldn't believe I just jumped in like that.
Well, today my stuff came. A brand new laptop just for me with all of my stuff just waiting for me to get down to it.
Tonight is my orientation, and then I guess I will get to work tomorrow.
It works out so well. I can still be at home for Charlie especially when Tyler is away, and I can continue to further my education. I figure my one degree just isn't enough and to just keep adding to it. LOL
Then once I finally get done with all of this, I will be able to have a good paying job while being in the comfort of my home. Not having to take away from time with Tyler and always being here for Charlie. I love it!!!
Wish me luck!!
Friday, September 18, 2009
I am behind... sorry
For starters, Tyler returned back from OK on July 16th and we had a big blowout bash combining his birthday, his homecoming, his graduation and father's day, it was a complete success.
I then ended up needing emergency surgery on July 30th for some serious pelvic pain I was having. The surgery went well, the recovering... not so much. At 5 days post-op I ended up getting an underlying infection in my belly button area, that sucked.
On Thursday the 6th we got a call about Tyler's mom, she had a heartattack and needed to get up there. So quickly Tyler and I packed our bags, made arrangments for the house and animals and drove the 7 hours to St Joseph, and let me tell you I made it in 6 and thats WITH hitting Kansas City traffic.
She was in a complete vegitative state, it broke Tyler's heart to know that machines were keeping his mother alive and that she was already gone. By Saturday we had to make the incredibly difficult decision to take her off of lifesupport. While Tyler was at the funeral home making arrangements for her cremation, I took Charlie back to tell his grandmother goodbye. By far one of the hardest things I have ever done. The second hardest was after we terminated her lifesupport and watched her slowly pass. Tyler was holding her hand and said, Mom don't worry we will be fine, just go. 3 minutes later they pronounced her dead, and at that moment Tyler crumbled into my arms and spaced out for the next 48 hours. It hurts knowing she is gone. I hurt for my boys. It broke my heart that she never got to see Tyler in his Army uniform or Charlie on his first day of school. I told her I would take care of them, and I will. I just wish she could be here.
At the time we were dealing with Tyler's mom I ended up in the emergency room because I had formed a blood clot in my arm. GREAT just what I needed. Luckily I got it under control quickly enough.
After we finally got back home, Aug 16th, Charlie started school just 3 days later. There was no time to process, or to get ready, just BAM here you go.
Charlie has been in school for a month, and is loving it. He has made so many good friends and let me tell you kindergarten is not what it used to be. He brings home readers every week and has to read it to me. The last one had 31 words, holy cow.
As for me, I decided to go back to school and enrolled this last Saturday and got my FA approved yesterday. Thank you United States Army! I will be starting school next week, I can't wait. All online so I can continue to be a SAHM to Charlie.
Anywho, that is the breakdown. I will try to be better about updating.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Sorry its been so long
Tyler left last month and has been gone for a little over 4 weeks. He graduates on July 8th, then starts a second course which is 5 days long, so he will be home sometime after July 18th. Charlie and I can't wait. Charlie & I are planning the party of the year. It will be to celebrate Father's Day, his Birthday, graduation and his homecoming all wrapped into one. Its the first time Tyler wasn't home on Father's Day or on his Birthday which is next month. Its been a ton of fun planning the party, getting the decorations, everything. A big blow out!
Charlie has his rough days while Tyler is gone, but over all is handling it very well. He is a trooper, and a wonderful military kid. I couldn't be more proud of him. He has been busy this summer, spending time with his friends, and enjoying having some time away from school. But at the same time he is very excited for school to start. 56 more days till school starts again, I can't believe how fast summer is going.
As for me, I have been crazy busy. Trying to keep up with Charlie, appointments, my everyday stuff, plus doing the things Tyler would handle, I have my hands full. Handling it like a champ, but wow and I will be glad to have a day off when Tyler gets home.
I also have started TMJ therapy and its really been helping with my energy and headaches. For those who don't know what TMJ is, its things such as clicking or locking of the jaw, which is my major problems. Its a long process, but it will be worth it and is a much better choice than having to have surgery on my jaw. OUCH!
Plus, I have been kicking butt in my workouts and I have lost 20 pounds since May 4th! 20 pounds! Given I feel like I could do better but thats only because I haven't had the time to do the workouts as much as I would like.
Anywho, I thought I better put a small something up here to let the world know that I am alive.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
I have been spending the last two weeks recovering from surgery and man I do NOT wish having your tonsils removed upon anyone! Eating nothing but jello for 5 days got old after day 2! But now I can eat normal food, still some discomfort but overall I am doing well. Besides, getting my tonsils removed was an instant weight loss plan! I lost 15 pounds! Go figure lol.
The boys did a great job of taking care of the house and everything that comes with it while I was taking the time to get better.
But now its time to get back to normal.
Charlie has graduated from Pre-K, his end of the year program was the night before my surgery and it was so cute. All of the kids dressed in beach clothes and sang some cute songs for all of the parents and guests. I will post pics once I get them all off of my camera.
Yesterday, not only being my birthday (26 years young ppl), was Charlie's HIPPY fun day. After 3 years of HIPPY he is done and I think between those three years and Pre-K this year he is 150% prepared for kindergarten this fall. Its hard to believe my baby will be going to kindergarten. His HIPPY teachers got all of the kids who are going to kindergarten this fall a backpack with their name on it and it was full of all of the supplies they will be needing... I thought it was a wonderful gift!
Tyler was supposed to leave for OK today, but like the good old military, it got pushed back and extended. He isn't leaving till Tuesday, which is fine with me, because that gives us a three day weekend together before he goes away for 6+ weeks, which was supposed to be 5+ weeks. Thank you Army! lol
I have some great things planned for Charlie and I while Tyler is gone. I saved some appts for that time, a trip to the zoo, the library has some great things going on this summer that I am sure he will enjoy, plus going to Build-a-Bear to make Tyler's Father's Day present! Thats the one thing I know will cheer Charlie up, he absolutely loves that place.
I am hoping this trip goes smoothly. Typically whenever Tyler goes away for the military something typically goes wrong here at home ***knocks on wood***. Plus, this will be the first time Charlie will really understand that Daddy isn't home and understands the concept of time.
Anyway, just wanted to update a little, I will post pics of Charlie's end of year stuff soon.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Going under
While I am not looking forward to surgery, pain, not being able to verbally talk to my boys, or eat for that matter, I know in the long run it will be well worth it.
It will be interesting however, Tyler will be going on a day shift while I am recovering, that way he can be home at night to take care of the house and Charlie, and I can have the house to myself to sleep and get better. But he has never really had to take care of everything on his own. All of the cooking, bills, cleaning, homework, etc. But I am sure he will do great.
He is leaving in 3 weeks for OK, for training, not too sure when he is coming home, thats a scary thought, but its the Army way... hurry up and wait. LOL So, unfortunately I will be recovering most of the time I have left with him, but his last day home will be a blast. Its my birthday, Charlie's fun day, and we are going to make a day of it. He has to ship out at 5:30am, so that will be a long day for Charlie and I, plus Charlie has his school picnic that day also... HOLY COW!!
So, keep your eyes out, while I am stuck in bed with no voice, I will probably put my fingers to serious use.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Both Charlie and Tyler had a 3 day weekend. The perk of living in the middle of the bible belt, employers and schools give Good Friday off!! It actually worked out great since Tyler leaves on May 20th. It gave us a chance to have a guaranteed weekend together as a family, no work, appts, nothing. Just the three of us having fun.
On Friday we went out to celebrate since its offical, I am out of remission!!! Thats right ladies and gentlemen, Athena Marie Lutz is cancer free!!! I could just say that for hours!!
While we were out we decided to take Charlie to see the Easter Bunny and get his picture taken.

That night we did our traditional egg coloring and decorating. We all had so much fun.
Here is some of the eggs we decorated
On Saturday the library had an all day Easter event; including, an egg hunt, face painting, a balloon man, and so much more. So we hit that up for a while.

Then on Sunday we did the usual... egg hunt, egg wars, good food, and some family fun.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
"Why do you do what you do?"
It was the most simple yet complexed answer in the world.
I will start with Tyler. I knew when I was dating Tyler what it could/would mean if things got serious and in turn we got married. Ok, maybe I didn't know EVERYTHING that would be thrown at me from the military, but I did know that it could mean things would be very unstable, and things would change faster than I could blink. And I was ok with that, in fact I was more than ok.
I support him because, well... think about how many men and women serve in the Armed Forces. They are all someone's daughter/son, brother/sister, mother/father, husband/wife... when they get called up for anything that will take them away from their families, loved ones, and their everyday life, they need to know that they have the love and support of the ones left behind to help get them through. They could be gone for weeks, months, or even years... don't you think they need people to think of coming home to? And thats what I want to be for Tyler, every day for our entire lives.
Sure, I hate him having to leave, or to get thrown curve balls every 15 minutes, but I am 100% proud of him and what he does... not just for me, but for our son, our friends, our families, our neighbors, and of course for himself. Being a military wife means I have to be prepared to be a single parent at any given minute, to take on this entire world without my number 1 supporter and my best friend. I wouldn't give it up for the world, no matter where the military takes Tyler, because at the end of the day, he will come home to our family with loving, open arms.
Now for Charlie. I am very big in making sure that he is 100% on top of things. I knew something was off with his speech, and I fought doctors and the schools to make sure he got the help he needed, and in turn he a million times better than where he was 1 year ago. I volunteer in his class multiple times a week, and help with preparing projects for the kids. I love doing this. I love knowing that I can be involved in his life, and that he loves me being a part of it. I see other kids in the class, and they have no stability. They have someone different dropping them off and picking them up everyday. That can't be easy.
I know that not every family is lucky enough to have a full time stay at home parent, but that is why Tyler and I have busted our butts to make sure that we have a lifestyle to where our children will always have at least 1 parent present for anything special in their lives. Whether it be a choir concert, a soccer game, a class Christmas party. With Tyler having to be in and out because of the Army, we wanted to make sure that I was 100% the constant parent in his life. For him to know that no matter where daddy is in the world, mommy will always be there to kiss the boo boos, to help with homework, and anything else you can think of.
That is why I do what I do. I love the two men in my life more than I value my own. And it is why I fight for them, and its why I fight for me.
So at the end of the day, I am a proud stay at home mom, and a proud Army wife. And I plan to live that way for as long as I can.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Please keep Charlie in your thoughts
I took him to see a ear, nose and throat doctor this past Tuesday because he kept getting severe ear infections and just got over one not even 3 weeks ago and got yet another on the 14th.
Well I planned on going in there just to talk to him (Dr. Stroud) about seeing about tubes and whether or not this would be a good option for Charlie.
After being there for 2 hours and tests here is what is going on.
There are different kinds of fluids that can cause ear infections and some of them are more serious than others, as well as the placement of the fluid can make some ear infections more dangerous than others.
Well, Charlie got hit with all of the bad, he has the more serious fluid in the more dangerous areas of his ears. What made it worse was at that point (of the appt) he had been on the antibiotics for 4 days, and the doc said that his ears should have looked a bit better than they did. Plus, his left eardrum is bulging because of the fluid and added pressure, so in turn he is experiencing some hearing loss. That terrifies me. They did a hearing test on him and he did BAD, he couldn't hear some of the sounds/words that were at the standard level of sound (like a normal talking voice).
I wanted to get Charlie in for surgery ASAP, and even better if it could be within this upcoming week since he is out of school for Spring Break.... well they were booked (they operate on Mondays & Fridays), well apparently Dr. Stroud shares my concern about Charlie's hearing and bulging eardrum because he called the hospital and had them set a operating room aside for Wednesday morning. The will first have to drain the fluid from both ears, which hopefully will take down the pressure that the eardrum is having, if not they will have to take care of that, then they will remove his adnoids, and finally place tubes in his ears. Unless they are any problems in either the operating room or in recovery he will get to come home.
I know the surgery is pretty routine, but its everything that is going on with him that I am most concerned about, and hopefully his hearing will be restored back to normal.
So, please keep my precious little boy in your thoughts. He is being far more brave then his mom.
I will post an update on Wednesday.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
A whole heap!
The same weekend we found out about Tyler being activated and his upcoming deployment, we found out that his mom took a turn for the worse. Its to the point where the doctors say there is nothing more medically they can do for her and have placed her in a hospice. Tyler is very upset. He is only in his late 20's and maybe lose his only living parent before he hits 30. We haven't said anything to Charlie because she could end up living for weeks, or even years, so we don't want him to have this worry on his shoulders. I am thankful we are only about a 6 hour drive away in case we need to go to be by her side.
My fertility treatments are starting to take its toll on me emotionally. It will be 3 years next month since we have been trying to add to our family and nothing has come of it. I am beginning to question if I just need to accept that we will be a family of 3. I told Tyler that I could never bring myself to do IVF. Due to my medical history, I would have a struggle carrying multiples, and I could never bring myself to do selective reduction if needed.
I ended up taking Charlie to an Ear, Nose, & Throat doctor today for his constant ear infections. He has had 3 in the last 3 months, and something was telling me it was something that seriously needed to be addressed. I was right. Not only does he have an insane amount of fluid in his ears, but its in an adnormal spot, plus his left ear drum is bulging and in turn is experiencing some minor hearing loss. He will be going in for surgery next Wednesday to have his adnoids removed and to have tubes put into his ears. Hopefully my little boy can be a happy, healthy little boy after this is done.
Tyler is getting ready to go to training sometime in May and will be gone for 5 weeks, which isn't bad, definately better than they year he will be gone starting next year.
Other than all of that, things seems to be pretty alright. Very busy as usual.
Plus, tomorrow is our 6 year wedding anniversary!! WOO HOO!!!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
The military dropped a bomb
Not today, today was the day that Tyler felt the need to drop news after news in my lap.First thing he tells me is that his unit has been activated for the next year. Basically that means, they can call him at any hour, of any day and say, you need to be here within the hour you are going to __________. He could be called for any emergency, anywhere and be gone.
The second thing he tells me is that he is being deployed in Sept 2010. Now before anyone says something like, "well thats so long away no worries blah blah blah", please don't. Unless you understand what it is like to know that you DH will be in a hostile war zone, don't give me that load of crap. I know it can change and I know that its 18 months away, but on that same note, it could become less time. And right now I have double to worry about.
Needless to say, it will be hard to watch him talk to Charlie tonight and prepare him of what could be at any given moment.
Please keep Tyler in your thoughts and that no matter when or where he goes that he will be safe.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Mini Update
Tyler & I did our first round of fertility treatments earlier this month and unfortunately it didn't take. So, I went in yesterday and had an ultrasound done, the plus side, we finally have an answer to a 5+ year mystery. My doc noticed on my last ultrasound that my uterine lining is dangerously thin, which would explain why I have had so many miscarriages. So, they are going to give me some meds to thicken it, and hopefully that would help us have a successful pregnancy. I have 8 angels in heaven and I would really like the next blessing to stick around this time.
Other than that not too much is going on. Tyler is starting to get ready to go to Missouri in April... he will be missed but at least Charlie will be busy with school, and in turn keep his mind busy.
Enough for now.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
My newest thing
I took some time on my own to practice the skills that I learned and finally put it all to good use and came up with my latest painting.

I really enjoyed painting this one. I am not a big fan of the winter months and snow etc... at least not to live in, so this reminds me of some great winter memories
Friday, January 30, 2009
We have been nominated!!!!
Anyway, she called to invite Tyler and I to their annual state conference/luncheon because we have been nominated as Family of the Year!! I feel so touched that they think so much of what we have done. I mean even if we don't get the award, I feel so honored that they thought of us. It was a decision made by the entire Faulkner County HIPPY staff.
Tyler is so excited to go to work tonight and put in for the day off. I actually think I saw a tear or two in his eyes.
The luncheon is on Feb 23rd, so I will let everyone know what happens then. I just had to share my excitement.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Zoo Day
We all had a blast.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Bring it on!
After a long discussion the three of us, (Tyler, Dr. Moutos, and myself) decided that an IUI with clomid will be our very best chance of getting another child.
So, next month I will take clomid for 5 days the about 5 days after my last pill I will go in for an ultrasound which should tell us when I will ovulate and then go back on that day to get the IUI done.
The doctor said he only wants to do 4 IUIs, and if none of them work we will have to think about going through IVF. Thank goodness for our insurance.
Tyler was great through all of it, making sure we had all of our questions answered. So, hopefully this will be the needed thing to complete our family.
I will keep everyone posted
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Good-bye 2008 Hello 2009
Well now that 2008 is over and 2009 is well on its way, I can't help but look back at the year.
We all had our struggles, our own little battles, and of course some things that took its toll on the entire family.
But all in all the year shaped up well for all of us.
Charlie has been doing great in Pre-K so far. He has made a ton of new friends, and has learned so much. And while his speech has been his battle, he has been overcoming it like a pro. Every day he comes home and shows such improvement and it makes me so proud to watch him change and grow. It almost makes me sad looking at him and wondering, where did my little baby boy go?
As for Tyler, he has had his battles with work. Working so much overtime and having FAA ground all of the planes, have really made him question whether or not this is the company he should stay with. But he has had a good also. His decision to leave the Air National Guard and go to the Army Guard has proven to be the best thing for us. I have never seen him treated with such respect and felt such a sense of belonging. Its a VERY different world than what we have been used to.
Ok, I guess its my turn. I have spent so much time thinking about that downside of things but I think I can flip them to a positive. While I have had some serious issues with my fertility and have lost 3 babies this year, the upside is that I have a great medical staff on my team who are not giving up on me. Plus Tyler and Charlie have been THE best support system I could ask for. Without them I would never be able to get through all of this. Hopefully with the new year we will have something to show for it all.
Plus I can't forget the remodel. Its coming along great. Two rooms done and more to come. We made great progress with it in the year 2008. We have also decided to turn the garage into a sunroom and build a new garage off of the house. I can't wait for that project to start, more likely next year though.
Despite everything, including Tyler's car accident, we have a new car, all paid for and all ours, Thank you United States Army, the year 2008 wasn't all that bad. We were able to pull ourselves out of anything that was thrown our way, once again proving that Tyler and I have a very strong marriage and friendship.
Plus 2008 was better than 2007 and thats what I consider a good year. I mean chances of getting through a whole year without any struggles isn't very likely, so we look at it as if you can get through the year with it being better than the prior one than it was a great year. And it was for us.
I am looking forward to 2009 and all that it brings.
Happy New Year!